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rock garden (種植巖生植物的)巖石[假山]庭園。

rock goat

It shows that there are 50 different theme gardens in this 69 botanical gardens , and some gardens like rose garden , rock garden , water garden , arboretum garden , oriental garden , herb garden , ecology garden appear in more than 40 % in botanical gardens 結果表明:在所調查的植物園中,專類園類型超過50種,其中,薔薇園、巖石園、水景園、樹木園、東方園、草本植物園、生態園等在植物園中比例超過40 % 。

Quantum mechanics is such a rain forest of a theory , filled with indescribably weird animals and endlessly explorable backwaters , that seeking to reduce it to classical physics seems like trying to grow the amazon from a rock garden 量子力學就像是一座雨林,充滿無法形諸筆墨的珍奇動物以及無數有待探索的偏僻水域,要將它歸納入古典物理之中,就好比試圖在一座光禿禿的巖石公園中種植出亞馬遜森林。

But he owes an equal debt to his years of meditation practice . half - joking , he claims that he would like visitors to envision astronomy hall “ as a zen rock garden applied to the world of planetary phenomena . 他半開玩笑地稱,他希望參觀者將展覽廳想像成一個包羅星際奇觀的禪宗式石花園。

Half - joking , he claims that he would like visitors to envision astronomy hall “ as a zen rock garden applied to the world of planetary phenomena . 他半開玩笑地稱,他希望參觀者將展覽廳想像成一個包羅星際奇觀的禪宗式石花園。

At the botanical garden on a hill above st john ' s , two areas showcase native species : the rock garden and the peat garden 在圣約翰的一座小山上有一個植物園,里邊有兩個地方展示了本地物種:石園和泥炭園。

If you want a rock garden , ok ? but don ' t expect me to do anything about it . you ' re the one that ' s got the time , anyway 如果你想搞一個有假山的花園,你就搞吧。可你別指望我出力,反正只有你有時間。

“ a garden locked is my sister , my bride , a rock garden locked , a spring sealed up 歌4 : 12我妹子、我新婦、乃是關鎖的園、禁閉的井、封閉的泉源。

Participated inbeyond the rock garden : craft form for a new world , wing luke asian 參加西雅圖永陸亞洲美術館舉辦的枯山水之后:新世界的工藝形式

Within it , you will find tranquil architecture , statues , rock gardens and ponds 廟前的建筑物里設有眾多解簽攤檔,替人求神問卜。

The rock garden is famous for its totem poles and rock formations 巖石園內以圖騰柱及石景著名。